My Love For You Is So Big It Has Reachedโ€ฆ


My love for you is so big it has reached all the way to ____________

If youโ€™ve been looking on Pinterest the last year for gift ideas, then you have probably stumbled upon this project a few times.

After my friend had me help her create an album for her husband, I was hooked. I decided I was going to make one for my husband and grandma for their birthday this year and Iโ€™m so glad I did. The finished product ended up being a gift they will cherish for years to come.

Getting started, I wish someone would have warned me how hardcore people take this. Even just a heads up on the etiquette of trading. I had no idea about any of the rules or things I should/shouldnโ€™t do.

Below I have laid out everything you will need to know to complete your project! You will find links for Facebook trading groups, rules for trading, message examples, and gift ideas!



  1. You must be willing to make a card in return for yours. The more you ask for, the more you must be willing to make in return.
  2. Keep your message sweet but simple. People in these trading groups are from different countries, so it is hard for them to write a huge note in another language. Once they see your message is so long, they more than likely wonโ€™t agree to the trade.
  3. DELIVER ON TIME. As I said, these people take it SO SERIOUSLY. If you do not deliver your end of the trade on time, you will be blocked from the groups.
  4. Create SAMPLE pictures. The groups all demand a sample picture when trading. It saves the hassle of asking where you live or what backgrounds are available.
  5. When trading, if you are the first person to send your end, make sure to PROOF it. Facebook allows you to write on the picture in the app. So all you have to do is type PROOF, and it ensures you donโ€™t get scammed. I had it happen to me so many times! I would send my picture unproofed and then get blocked by the user. Thatโ€™s no fun. But with a proof, once they complete the trade, you just send them the original photo.


  • [THEIR NAME*], [YOUR NAME] Love for you is so big it has reached all the way to [CITY, STATE OR COUNTRY]
  • [THEIR NAME*] [YOUR NAME] loves you so much we can feel it all the way in [CITY, STATE OR COUNTRY]
  • [THEIR NAME*], Everyone in [CITY, STATE OR COUNTRY] wishes you a Happy Birthday (or whatever youโ€™re celebrating. Graduation, anniversary, job promotion, etc.)
  • [THEIR NAME*], [YOUR NAME] Loves you so much they are bringing a piece Of [CITY, STATE OR COUNTRY] to you!
  • [THEIR NAME*], Our love is so big it has reached all the way to [CITY, STATE OR COUNTRY]
    *Put the personโ€™s name who is receiving the gift.


Honestly, there are HUNDREDS of great ideas out there. I am going to share with you my top 5 favorite ways including the exact way I presented mine! You can also head over to our Pinterest Board to find more ideas and inspiration.


Donโ€™t forget to join our Facebook Trading Group where you can connect with people all over the world for incredible notes! Let me know you will

Did you surprise your loved one with this gift? I would love to see! Comment below or shoot me an email.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Dawna Upshaw says:

    This blog is a perfect description!! The Facebook groups got me started but โ€œtaking it seriouslyโ€ is an understatement! LOLโ€ฆ these women take something being made for love and turn it in a miserable projectโ€ฆ so I turned to Instagram and have had so much more luck with people being kind and helpful! Also my husband is in the military so I was invited to join one for military spouses.. that group is unbelievable, people just help each other out and do freebies all the time! No sample pics needed because itโ€™s the point of doing it for love!
    Iโ€™m doing one that is similar to your fun fact scrapbook, but Iโ€™m using a photo album and inserting 4ร—6 scrapbooked cards to give the info! My husband would probably not appreciate the effort that goes into a real scrapbook so this is my alternative!
    Great read, thanks for taking the time to write it!!

    • pickingdaisies18 says:

      I am so glad this was helpful for you!!! I am sorry it was a miserable process at first, it is crazy how people will scam just for the sake of it! I hope you have had better luck and would love if you sent me a DM on insta of your project! If you need any CALI pics let me know! Thanks for reading!!